2010 BP Deepwater oil spill and whales

A dead Sperm Whale floating in the Gulf of Mexico seen from the deck of NOAA Ship Pisces
The dead sperm whale in the Gulf of Mexico. Photograph: NOAA 
According to The Guardian (Guardian.co.uk, ), newly uncovered documents from the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – including gruesome photographs of a dead whale – are raising questions about the environmental cost of the disaster and the price tag the oil company will have to pay to set it right
Documents, obtained by the campaign group Greenpeace under freedom of information provisions and made available to the Guardian, offer a rare glimpse into how many whales came into close contact with the gushing BP well during the oil spill. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/oct/24/whale-death-deepwater-oil-spill?intcmp=122).


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